Where are we?

Monday, 8 June 2009

This is how it all began

Like all good things, this started with several pints of Strongbow and several pints of 6X (from Devizes aptly enough), combined with an unhealthy competitive streak.

The two of us have lived in Newbury pretty much all our lives and now finding ourselves in our mid-30s and with 3 & 2 children respectively it seemed it was time for a challenge. Not personally knowing anyone who had done the DW (although it's amazing how many people have 'almost' done it!) we thought that this should be the right thing to undertake.

>"You can kayak, can't you?"
>"When was the last time you paddled"
>"Ummmmm.......when I was 11! But I did get a 1 star certificate!"

In the words of Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap "OH BOY!"

Fast forward to June 2009 with just 300 days left to run before the DW, we've read all we can read; we've viewed all clips possible on YouTube and we've scoured through blogs . At some point we have to get in a K2.

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